7:00 am - 5:30 pm
LTC – Deal Hall @ Hall Campus
2535 Lanier Tech Drive
Gainesville, Georgia, 30507
Available Seats: 2
Class Price: $ 1,450.00
This class is designed to provide the Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Operator with the theory and practical knowledge required to successfully operate today’s more sophisticated and demanding systems. Class material and training is based on Refrigeration Engineers and Technicians Associations, (RETA) material. The class consists of two sections, a 20 hour, classroom session followed by a 20-hour hands-on laboratory session, for a total of 40 hours. At the conclusion of the course the RETA Operator 1 test is administered. Upon completion of the course and passing the test, credit for this class is 36 professional development hours and 3.6 continuing education units. All texts and material needed for the class are included with the purchase of the class.
Topics covered in this course include:
- Safety and regulatory overview of ammonia
- Refrigeration fundamentals, and the refrigeration cycle
- Heat load calculations
- Properties of refrigerants
- Refrigerant P/T charts and their function
- Saturation, subcooling, and superheat
- Compressors, compressor types, their function and compressor operation
- Single stage, and two stage refrigeration systems
- Oil draining
- Operation and maintenance of industrial refrigeration systems
- Oil, filtration and its function within a refrigeration system
- Evaporators, evaporator types and their function
- Condensers, condenser types and their function
- Hot gas defrost
- Non-Condensable gases
- Purging
The course is taught 7am – 5:30pm Monday – Thursday.
A working lunch will be provided Wednesday and Thursday while in the lab.