8:00 am - 12:00 pm
LTC – Deal Hall @ Hall Campus
2535 Lanier Tech Drive
Gainesville, Georgia, 30507
Available Seats: 0
Class Price: $ 2,500.00
Supervisor and Industry Leadership (SAIL)
Fall 2024 Schedule
Tuesdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- August 20, 27
- September 3, 10, 17, 24
- October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
- November 5
SAIL is offered in collaboration with Lanier Technical College, Workforce Strategies Group LLC, and the Georgia Mountains MFG Sector Workforce Development Strategy.
Supervisor & Industry Leadership will be taught by subject-matter experts. The eight topics were developed by local industry leaders for both Supervisors and Industry Leaders:
- Problem Solving
- Communicating for Results
- Emotional Intelligence
- Continuous Improvement
- HR Do’s & Don’ts
- Performance Management
- Safety Focus
- Leading Meetings
Course will be delivered in 12 weekly four-hour segments for a total of 48 hours of training and will include additional assigned practical applications for completion during the work week. Using the Hear, See, Do method is an investment to ensure that what is heard is actually learned and applied.
Attendance at all sessions is mandatory for certification.
Training cost may be reimbursed by WIOA if eligible for Incumbent Worker Training. Business must be located in Banks, Dawson, Forsyth, Franklin, Habersham, Hall, Hart, Lumpkin, Rabun, Stephens, Towns, Union, or White county.